So I signed up for an ALL DAY CROP (which was today) to try to get a few things done in a more "creative" and less "disruptive" atmosphere.
I've never actually been to a CROP before and didn't know what to expect. Sure I'd taken my stuff to other people's houses for classes and for scrapbooking or cardmaking. BUT I'd never been to a REAL Crop with REAL scrappers.
You see, I'm not much of a scrapper - I've got a few albums on the go and work on them in spurts - but nothing is finished. I think I've done Christmas up to 2000, the kids birth pages, a few other "class" pages and that's about it.
So rather than try to catch up on my scrapbooking I decided that I would take a few card projects to work on, a couple of layouts and some colouring.
I didn't know what to expect and since I'm not very good in large groups or crowds (this year I skipped the PNE because as I get older I find it more difficult) I didn't want to take too much with me in case I "needed" to leave. I'm not agorophobic or anything - I just get easily overwhelmed, overstimulated and uncomfortable.
Anyway this was going to be a small All Day crop hosted by my local scrapbooking store, ScrapArts in North Vancouver, and so I thought I'd give it a try.
There was prizes (I didn't win any), challenges (I made a photo wallet but didn't win the challenge), chick flicks (I ended up leaving for my son's soccer game before the movie started) and dinner (I was going to have dinner at home with my family).
I should've have known how unprepared I was when the store owner asked me what time I was coming and did I need her to help me bring in my stuff.
WHAT??? WHY would I need help???
Here's what I took with me:
Here's what Jen brought with her:
3 HUGE rolling totes, embellishment boxes sorted by colour, her own OTT lite, and projects organized by theme with embellishments, journalling and magazine article inspiration all packaged into individual plastic bags.
She found her spot and unloaded it all around her.
I jokingly said that her husband must be at home dancing and rolling around in all the free space!
Let me tell you that she was not the only one who did this. There were several other ladies that came in with BINS, BOXES and rolling totes filled with stuff. One lady had a large box just filled with her scraps!!
Sure I'll go to another crop again but I'll need more time to prepare and organize for it.I found it to be a very creative atmosphere and with the right stuff I could get a lot done. I don't know if I could stay the whole 12 hours but I'm willing to give it a try!
I'm really not much of a group scrapper either...I find it just takes way too much organization on my part. I've been to a weekend scrap "retreat" and that was a mistake. Much too overwhelming for me.