Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Becca's Peg Bow Maker

August 10, 2011

If you know me or have taken one of my classes you will know that I am NOT a bow maker!

I'd rather tie a knot than a bow and I sometimes feel that my ribbon embellished cards look the same because of this handicap.

I saw a post by Becca Feeken a while ago where she made her own peg bow maker and I knew that someday I would have to make one of these for myself!

I know that there are lots of tools out there to help you tie bows. 

I have a couple of Bow Easy's but I have to pull out the directions to use them every time. 

I even made myself some "fingers" to help me tie bows (I traced my 2 index fingers onto recycled plastic).

But after watching a few of Becca's peg bow tying videos I realized that her tool was a better one since it really is like having another hand.

So yesterday - while waiting for the garage door repair man - I looked around my garage and found some materials that I could use to make my own peg bow maker.

Here is my version of the Peg Bow Maker:

As you can see mine is not as nicely finished as Becca's but mine will fit in my craft tote and I can take it with me!

I used a scrap piece of MDF baseboard trim (leftovers from the bathroom remodel) and drilled holes every 1/2 inch.  Since I'm making card bows I thought this size would work for me and the funny thing is my trim piece measures out to 5 1/2 x 4 1/4!!

I found a length of thin dowel in the garage (not sure why I had it in the first place but glad I did) and cut it into two 4 inch pieces.

All in all this was very easy to put together and I'm so happy that I made myself a fantastic new tool.

Check out my bows:

Check out the photo below.  Yes - you are looking at a triple looped bow made by me!

Click HERE for the link to this figure eight multiple loop bow video by Becca.

I am happy to say that I am no long "Bow Challenged"!

If you haven't made one of these already I encourage you to do so - you'll be so happy with your beautiful bows!

Thank you Becca!!!!

Until Next Time!


  1. Hi Marie,

    Thanks for the great pictures showing the bow maker! I am going to get my husband to make me one as well so the measurements.
    I see you're from BC. I'm from BC as well and live in Abbotsford. Whereabouts in BC do you live?

  2. the link to the video dos not work

  3. I've added a new link. The video should work now.
